GRANTS WISHES Inc. A 501C(3) non profit

We grant 2nd wishes to kids who relapse with cancer or endure never ending treatments.

Wishes Granted 2010

Christian's Wish
December 18, 2010

Christian wished for a laptop and a Wii Gaming System.  We surprised him with the help of his family at BJ's Restaurant.  We granted his wish with a new laptop, Wii, Wii games, Wii Controller,  IPod Touch, TV, Fushigi Ball along with all the accessories to go with everything and SpongeBob DVD's.

Cynthia's Wish
December 18, 2010

We surprised Cynthia at BJ's Restaurant in Downey with the help of her family.  Her wish came true when we surprised her with a new laptop, Ipod, TV for her room,  Camera and all the accessories.  We also surprised her with lots of new clothes from Abercrombie and a Claire's gift card to shop at a later time for accessories.

Kline's Wish
December 18, 2010

Kline's wish was granted with an electric guitar, amplifier, XBox, Kinnect, Laptop and and Ipad with all the accessories  Kline will be busy with very electronic he wished for.
Pablo's Wish
December 11, 2010

 Pablo wished was granted with a Mac Book Pro to create 3D animation,, graphics ad web design.  We also surprised him with MobilMe, Iworks, Magic Mouse and Printer.  His family and friends helped us surprise him at the BJ's restaurant in La Jolla.
Thank you to BJ's Restaurants La Jolla for their wish support.

Jairel's Wish
December 11, 2010

Jairel's wish was granted with a miniature yorkie female puppy.  We also surprised her with everything she would need for the puppy and also clothes from her favorite store.  BJs Restaurant hosted the wish party which made it extra special with her family to share in the surprise.
Thanks to BJ's Restaurant La Mesa.

Alan's Wish
December 11, 2010

Alan loves photography and so he wished for a Canon Rebel T2I Digital Camera and Lens.  His photography was very cool and will be even better with the new camera and lens.  
Marysela's Wish
December 4, 2010

Wished for a trip to Disneyland with her family, a laptop, and a camera. We granted her wish beginning with breakfast at 7:30 at Denny's. The entire family joined in on the surprise. We presented her with a few surprise packages that included a laptop, mouse, and camera. We also gave her a collectible Mickey snow globe music box and a pass to Company D Store where we purchased 4 t-shirts, sweatshirt, photo book, scrapbook stuff, autograph book, pens, colors, and a purple lanyard with lots of Mickey pins. Everything was wrapped in Mickey, Minnie and Tinkerbell along with Mickey balloons. She also got 5 tickets for her and her siblings and a So Cal Pass to go next year.
Gaby's Wish
November 18, 2010

Wished for a shopping spree. Unfortunately due to her health for over 2 months we shopped for her. We got gift cards from her favorite stores Torrid, Victoria Secret, Macy's and AMC Theaters to give her something to look forward to and hopefully she will get out of the hospital and shop at her leisure. We wrapped everything in purple, green, balloons, and blue
Jesus' Wish
November 14, 2010

Wished for an Xbox 360, computer and iPod touch. His wish was granted along with all the accessories for the Xbox and 9 games. The laptop came with a case, printer, paper, mouse, cables, and ink along with 2 DVD's to watch on his laptop. We surprised him with an 8GB touch with a case and $50 Itunes gift card. He enjoys collectible cars so we surprised him with 5 new cars to add to his collection. His favorite team is Chivas de Guadalajara so the soccer store gave us a 50% discount for a new jersey, practice shorts, and 2010 World Cup stuffed animal. His wish was granted at home with all his family present. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color black and gray and with balloons too.
JoeAnn's Wish
November 7, 2010

Wished for a Macbook. Her wish was granted and she was surprised with an iPod Touch, $25 itunes card, Case, Magic Mouse, Camera, Printer, Paper, and Ink. We had planned on granting her wish at her home but when we got there, we found out that she was admitted into CHOC. We called and delivered her wish at CHOC which was great with many of her family members present. We wrapped everything in purple and pink along with balloons.
Jassmine's Wish
November 7, 2010

Wished for a room makeover. She had saved a picture of furniture for 4 years of her dream room. We granted her wish with a new twin bed, headboard and footboard, desk, chair, and a chest of drawers. We surprised her with a completely decorated room in her favorite color pink. We also surprised her with a new TV, DVD player, and laptop to help her enjoy her room to watch movies and laptop to do school work. She wasn't home as she was with her home school teacher so we were able to decorate the entire room including wall decorations and bedding. 
Benjamin's Wish
November 7, 2010

Wished for an iPad to help him store and edit photos, store music, and play games-all in one gadget. We surprised him with the new Apple iPad, keyboard dock, iPad stand, iPad camera connection, and iPad jacket. We also surprised him with a printer, ink, and photo paper. We also gave him a $200 itunes gift card for downloads. We got clothes in his favorite colors from Tilly's and Dick's Sporting Goods. We wrapped everything in green and balloons and had his wish granted with lunch at BJ's Restaurant in Tustin Marketplace.
Thalia's Wish
October 3, 2010

Wished for a laptop to watch movies and a Nintendo DS to play games. We surprised her with a Disney throw blanket to use while in the hospital. We also surprised her with lots of comfortable clothes and bedding, Barbie toys, and games. We granted her wish for a laptop and surprised her with a mouse, printer, ink, noise cancelling headphones, and 17 DVD's. We also presented her a Nintendo DS game system and 10 DS games. On top of that, we gave her an iPod Touch, ear buds, cover, and a $25 itunes card. We granted her wish at the hospital the day before a transplant. We wrapped everything in Pink and light purple with balloons.
Gilberto's Wish
October 3, 2010

Gilberto has been in the hospital since birth with stage 4 cancer. He was surprised with lots of toys-most made lots of noise, clothes, new monkey bedding and accessories. Toy box and 4 drawer chest for storage in white to store all his new toys and clothes. Everything was based on his love of monkeys and bright colors. Gilberto was dressed in orange and was so cute and very happy. We wrapped everything in bright colors and monkey balloons.
Fredi's Wish
August 26, 2010

Wished for a shopping spree for clothes, shoes, and hats. We presented him with some of his gifts at his home then went to lunch at TGI Friday's. Friday's provided the lunch for his whole family. Later on, a limo picked up Fredi and his family and took him to Brea Mall. We were sent to Guest Services where Fredi received a $150 gift card from JC Penney and a $25 gift card from Boardwalk. We then went to Macy's, Champs, Journeys, Lids and Gamestop. The Limo then took them to Edwards Theater where he saw Step Up 3D.
Alyssa's Wish
August 22, 2010

Alyssa wish was granted with an IPad to play games and take everywhere.  We surprised her at Chuck E Cheese, her favorite place to go with all her family and her best friend present.  We surprised her with all the accessories, a Laptop and lots of crafts to enjoy.  Everything was wrapped in her favorite color of pink.  
Elyah's Wish
August 22, 2010

Wished for a laptop to Skype his friends. We granted his wish along with a video camera, iTouch, Nintendo DSi, Flo TV, iHome, Bushnell binoculars, 4 DS games, Xbox Band Hero, and 5 Xbox games off his wish list. He loved everything along with the new DJ Hero and all the accessories. He is post transplant so his wish was granted at home with his family. He was excited and thrilled with all the new electronics. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color of blue.
Brandon's Wish
August 15, 2010

Wished for a Wii or going to Disneyland. We surprised him with a TV combo, laptop, Nintendo DS, 14 DVD's, 7 DS games, along with cases and controllers. His wish was granted at home and the family was Spanish speaking. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color green.

Vanessa's Wish
August 4, 2010

Wished for a shopping spree for clothes and things needed. She was unable to go so shopping was done for her while she was taken to City of Hope to undergo treatment. Her favorite person is Lady Gaga so we found cute shirts of the singer at Hot Topic. All her clothes were hung up on a garment rack in a closet at the hospital for her. She was also surprised with a 26" TV with a DVD player and movies. We also surprised her with a Nintendo DSi and games along with a camcorder that takes movies and photos. Everything was wrapped in her favorite color pink.
Genesis' Wish
July 24, 2010

Wished for a laptop, printer to do homework, and a TV. Her wish was granted with lots of goodies including a Wii System, iPod Nano, 8 DVD's, 6 Wii games and all the accessories. Her wish was granted at home and the family was Spanish speaking. Everything was wrapped in her favorite color of purple and turquoise. 
Edgar's Wish
June 12, 2010

Wished for a laptop, flat screen TV, DVD, and a camera. We met him at BJ's in Escondido, where we granted his wish and surprised him with lots of goodies. He recieved all the accessories for his laptop and camera and we gave him some new Wii games while eating his favorite food, pizza. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color blue.

A Special Thanks to Best Buy YL and BJ’s Restaurant Escondido for making Edgar's wish extra special.

Christian's Wish
June 12, 2010

Wished for a laptop with a webcam so that he could Skype his sisters while he's in the hospital. His wish was granted with his mom and his nurses present. Along with the laptop, we gave him a printer, mouse, cables, ink, an iPod, a boombox, 5 Wii games, 6 PSP games, 13 DVD's, and all the accessories and remotes. Everything was wrapped in his favorite colors: blue and green.


A Special Thanks to Best Buy YL for making Christian's wish extra special.

Diana's Wish
June 8, 2010

Wished for a shopping spree and a new laptop computer. We granted her wish with everything including a printer and all the accessories. Then we surprised her with an iPod nano, and accessories along with DS games and DVD's. We did allthe shopping for her and got lots of clothes, shoes, PJ's, and arts & crafts. Everything was wrapped in her favorite color pink to make it extra special.


A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Diana's wish possible

Dianna's Wish
June 8, 2010

Dianna wished for a Macbook Pro 17" laptop. Her wish was granted along with some other stuff too. We surprised her with the new magic mouse, Mac office, cables, a printer and a new iPod with accessories. Everything was wrapped in her favorite colors teal and purple to make the wish extra special.


A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Dianna's wish possible

Taylor's Wish
May 10, 2010

Wished for a new laptop to play games on. We granted her wish and surprised her with many new gifts. She got new clothes, a printer, cables, computer games, a Wii, an iPod touch along with two iTunes gift cards and arts & crafts. Everything was wrapped in her favorite color pink.


A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch & Montclair for making Taylor's dream come true

Maricela's Wish
May 8, 2010

Wished for an iPod touch, pink and brown polka dot bedding, clothes, and a Wii cooking game. We surprised her with everything along with accessories, an iTunes gift card, lip gloss, a boombox, and additional bedding and PJ's. Everything was wrapped in her favorite color red and her entire family was present when her wish was granted.

Special thanks to Best Buy, Kohls, and Bed Bath & Beyond of Savi Ranch for making Maricela's wish come true

Erika's Wish
May 7, 2010

Wished for everything princess. We granted her wish with a pink Nintendo DSi and games along with pink power wheels jeep, princess bedding, toys, princess barbies, games, clothes, shoes, and PJ's. Her wish was granted at Chuck E Cheese where she had lots of fun playing arcade games with her princess dress. Everything was wrapped in her favorite colors pink and purple.

 A Special Thanks to Chuck E Cheese on Sports Arena for hosting Erika's wish and making everything extra special. 

Jessica's Wish
April 24, 2010

Wished for a Wii with games, a laptop, printer, and TV with DVD player. We surprised her with everything along with a camera/video camera, clothes, and some DVD's. Some of the DVD's included Tinker Bel and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and the Wii game included Littles Pet Shop, Mario Party 8, and Animal Crossing. She was surprised at the Rainforest Cafe for lunch followed by a visit to Build A Bear at Downtown Disney.

 A Special Thanks to Rain Forest Café Downtown Disney and Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Jessica's wish possible. 

Joseph's Wish
April 24, 2010

Wished for a laptop, camera, and a My Touch Phone from TMobile. We surprised him with everything including all the phone accessories. He was also surprised to fin new Xbox games and a new wireless coontroler. Joseph also recieved a new printer, a Cannon Powershot camera and accessories. Finally, we gave him some new clothes and shoes from his favorite store Zumiez. With the help of his family we were able to surprise him at BJ's in Brea where he ate lunch donated by BJ's.

 A Special Thanks to T Mobile on Tustin Ave. in Orange,  Dana at HTC,  BJ’s Restaurant in Brea and Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Joseph's wish come true

Christopher's Wish
April 22, 2010

Wished to go to Disneyland where even a young child of 15 months loves to go. We made arrangements for his family to stay at the Grand California Hotel for two nights where they were made the Special Guests of the hotel. They were upgraded to a suite with an awesome view in which they recieved gifts. We surprised Christopher with lots of toys that made noise, some clothes from Disney, and $200 in Disney Gift Cards.

 A Special Thanks to Disney Grand California for making this family their special guests.

Margaret's Wish
April 9, 2010

Margaret wished for a Nintendo DS with games and an applehead Chihuahua. With the help of Russo's Pets in Irvine Spectrum, we surprised Margaret with the Chihuahua and all the dog accessories. We also surprised her with new bedroom furniture for her room including, a sleigh bed, desk, tall dresser with a mirror, a lamp, and a nightstand. Everything was wrapped in her favorite colors pink, black, blue, and red.

A Special Thanks to Russo’s Spectrum Pets in Irvine for making Margaret's dream come true.
David's Wish
March 31, 2010

David wished for a new Ceramic Player's watch. We surprised him with the watch as well as some new clothes and shoes. Then we went to El Torito Restaurant in Temecula where David ate lunch and opened his gifts. The smle on his face was priceless when he saw his gifts and the watch he had wished for.

A Special Thanks to El Torito Temecula & Best Buy Savi Ranch for making David's wish come true
Oscar's Wish
March 31, 2010

Wished for a 40" TV, an iPod Touch, PS3, clothes, and shoes. We surprised him with everything including all the accessories. He recieved some PS3 games including NBA Live 2010, Madden 10, and Prince of Persia as well as an additional controller in his favorite color black. Then we took him to Boomers where he ate lunch, played some arcade games, and played a round of miniature golf. We also surprised him with some new clothes along with a Chargers hat from Lids.

 A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch & Boomers El Cajon for making Oscar's wish come true.
Kylie's Wish
February 23, 2010

Kylie wished for a shopping spree to "shop till we drop". She was surprised with a limo from Starz limousine that took her to the mall where she shopped at Wet Seal and many other stores. Kylie also had a makeover and later went to eat lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. 

A Special Thanks to Starz Limousine and The Cheesecake Factory for making Kylie's wish possible. 
Riley's Wish
February 20, 2010

Wished for a custom-made Macbook that included a backlit keyboard and an Apple Magic Mouse. His wish was granted along with the Mac Home and student office, Bose Headphones, and a few DVD's that included Tom & Jerry, iCarly, and Spongebob Squarepants. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color purple along with balloons.

A Special Thanks to Best Buy for making Riley's wish possible.

Frankie's Wish
February 16, 2010

Wished to go on a shopping spree for clothes. We surprised her with a limo from Starz Limousine to take her shopping. At her home she recieved a new TV, a DVD combo for her room, and iPod touch, an iTunes gift card, a camcorder/camera, along with some DVD's and an Eminem shirt. She then rode in style to South Coast plaza where she began her shopping spree at Nordstrom and Wet Seal. After shopping, she had a makeover followed by a free lunch at Lawry's.

A Special Thanks to Starz Limousine, Lawry’s South Coast and Best Buy Yorba Linda for making Frankie's wish possible

Benjamin's Wish
February 3, 2010

Wished for an iPod touch to listen to music and play games. He was also suprised with a $50 iTunes gift card, an iPod case, a flip video camera, a Wii motion plus controller, a Wii cooking game, 4 Mario games, 4 new DVD's, a guitar, and a guitar hero gameset. In addition, he recieved PJ's, a Charger's jersey, comfortable clothes, and two $50 gift cards for Gamestop, his favorite store.

A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Benjamin's wish come true
Wilmar's Wish
January 16, 2010

Wished for a laptop computer to look up games and weather around the world. We granted his wish with a laptop, printer, case, mouse, and cables. He was also surprised to find a Playstation 3 system, a 26" TV for his room, 6 PS3 games, an acoustic guitar and 5 blue ray DVDS. Everything was wrapped in his favorite color blue along with balloons.

A Special Thanks to Best Buy Savi Ranch for making Wilmar's wish possible.

Bethany's Wish
January 31, 2010

Wished for a room makeover. We surprised her with a new bed, new drawers, a desk, some clothes, and some accessories. The wall was also painted in her favorite color pink. Her new room turned out fantastic with nothing but a smile on her face.

A Special Thanks to Whippersnappers Furniture, Rafael’s Painting Service in Temecula and lots of volunteers for making Bethany's wish possible

Tatyana's Wish
February 3, 2010

Wished for a brand new highly specialized computer for college. We surprised her with a Fujitsu T5010 laptop that includes a dual digitizer and a laptop case. This was a very special computer because it had wireless internet. Her wish was granted with the help of her parents at her home.

A Special Thanks to VPC Computers for making Tatyana's wish come true.